webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream.readUnknownGroup (final int fieldNumber, final MessageLite.Builder builder)
UnknownFieldSet.Builder now implements MessageLite.Builder, so you can just call readGroup.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.computeGroupSize (final int fieldNumber, final MessageLite value)
groups are deprecated.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.computeRawVarint32Size (final int value)
use computeUInt32SizeNoTag(int) instead.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.computeRawVarint64Size (long value)
use computeUInt64SizeNoTag(long) instead.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN_32_SIZE
Use computeFixed32SizeNoTag(int) instead.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.newInstance (ByteBuffer byteBuffer, ("unused") int unused)
the size parameter is no longer used since use of an internal buffer is useless (and wasteful) when writing to a ByteBuffer. Use newInstance(ByteBuffer) instead.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.writeGroup (final int fieldNumber, final MessageLite value)
groups are deprecated.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.writeGroupNoTag (final MessageLite value)
groups are deprecated.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.writeRawLittleEndian32 (final int value)
Use writeFixed32NoTag instead.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.writeRawLittleEndian64 (final long value)
Use writeFixed64NoTag instead.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.writeRawVarint32 (int value)
use writeUInt32NoTag instead.
Member com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream.writeRawVarint64 (long value)
use writeUInt64NoTag instead.
Member com.google.protobuf.nano.Extension< M extends ExtendableMessageNano< M, T >.createMessageTyped (int type, Class< T > clazz, int tag)
use createMessageTyped(int, Class, long) instead.
Member IAccessibleEditableText::copyText ([in] long startOffset, [in] long endOffset)
This function is available via the application's GUI.
Member IAccessibleEditableText::cutText ([in] long startOffset, [in] long endOffset)
This function is available via the application's GUI.
Member IAccessibleEditableText::pasteText ([in] long offset)
This function is available via the application's GUI.
Class Json::FastWriter
Use StreamWriterBuilder.
Class Json::Reader
Use CharReader and CharReaderBuilder.
Member Json::Reader::getFormatedErrorMessages () const

Use getFormattedErrorMessages() instead (typo fix).

Use getFormattedErrorMessages() instead (typo fix).

Class Json::StyledStreamWriter
Use StreamWriterBuilder.
Class Json::StyledWriter
Use StreamWriterBuilder.
Member Json::Value::removeMember (const char *key)
Member Json::Value::removeMember (const std::string &key)
Member Json::Value::setComment (const char *comment, CommentPlacement placement)
Always pass len.
Member Json::ValueIteratorBase::memberName () const
This cannot be used for UTF-8 strings, since there can be embedded nulls.
Class Json::Writer
Use StreamWriter. (And really, this is an implementation detail.)
Member nlohmann::basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType >::basic_json (std::istream &i, const parser_callback_t cb=nullptr)
This constructor is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0.0 to unify the interface of the library. Deserialization will be done by stream operators or by calling one of the parse functions, e.g. parse(std::istream&, const parser_callback_t). That is, calls like json j(i); for an input stream i need to be replaced by json j = json::parse(i);. See the example below.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ubrk_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ubrk_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ubrk_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.


ICU 52. Do not rely on ucnv_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ucnv_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ucnv_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ucnv_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.


ICU 52. Do not rely on ucol_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ucol_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ucol_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

ICU 52. Do not rely on ucol_safeClone() cloning into any provided buffer.

Member u_getISOComment (UChar32 c, char *dest, int32_t destCapacity, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49


ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49


ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.

ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.

ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.

ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.

ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.

ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.

ICU 2.8 Use the word break iterator for titlecasing for Unicode 4 and later.


ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49


ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

ICU 49

Member ucol_getContractions (const UCollator *coll, USet *conts, UErrorCode *status)

ICU 3.4, use ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions instead

ICU 3.4, use ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions instead

ICU 3.4, use ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions instead

ICU 3.4, use ucol_getContractionsAndExpansions instead

Member ucol_getLocale (const UCollator *coll, ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode *status)

ICU 2.8 Use ucol_getLocaleByType instead

ICU 2.8 Use ucol_getLocaleByType instead

ICU 2.8 Use ucol_getLocaleByType instead

ICU 2.8 Use ucol_getLocaleByType instead


ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Implementation detail, cannot be set via API, might be removed from implementation.

ICU 50 Use UDAT_ABBR_MONTH instead.
ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR UDAT_ABBR_GENERIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE UDAT_ABBR_GENERIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR_MINUTE UDAT_ABBR_SPECIFIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
ICU 50 Use instead UDAT_HOUR UDAT_ABBR_SPECIFIC_TZ or some other timezone presentation.
ICU 50 Use UDAT_MONTH instead.

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

ICU 2.8

, ICU 3.8
Member UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_ARRAY_SIZE (size)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_BACK_1_SAFE (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_BACK_1_UNSAFE (s, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_BACK_N_SAFE (s, start, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_BACK_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_CHAR_LENGTH (c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_FWD_1_SAFE (s, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_FWD_1_UNSAFE (s, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_FWD_N_SAFE (s, i, length, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_FWD_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_GET_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, length, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE (first, second)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_IS_LEAD (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_IS_SINGLE (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_IS_TRAIL (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_LEAD (supplementary)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_PREV_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE (s, start, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF16_TRAIL (supplementary)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_ARRAY_SIZE (size)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_BACK_1_SAFE (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_BACK_1_UNSAFE (s, i)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_BACK_N_SAFE (s, start, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_BACK_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_CHAR_LENGTH (c)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_FWD_1_SAFE (s, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_FWD_1_UNSAFE (s, i)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_FWD_N_SAFE (s, i, length, n)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_FWD_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_GET_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, length, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_IS_LEAD (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_IS_SAFE (c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_IS_SINGLE (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_IS_TRAIL (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_PREV_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE (s, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF32_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c)

ICU 2.4. Use U8_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_ARRAY_SIZE (size)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_BACK_1_SAFE (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_BACK_1_UNSAFE (s, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_BACK_N_SAFE (s, start, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_BACK_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH instead, see utf.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH instead, see utf.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH instead, see utf.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH instead, see utf.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH instead, see utf.h.

Member UTF8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES (leadByte)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_FWD_1_SAFE (s, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_FWD_1_UNSAFE (s, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_FWD_N_SAFE (s, i, length, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_FWD_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_GET_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, length, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U8_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_IS_LEAD (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_IS_SINGLE (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_IS_TRAIL (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE (leadByte, countTrailBytes)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MASK_LEAD_BYTE, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0x7f) instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0x7f) instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0x7f) instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0x7f) instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0x7f) instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U8_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_PREV_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U8_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U8_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE (s, start, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF8_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U8_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_APPEND_CHAR (s, i, length, c)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_APPEND_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_APPEND instead, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_APPEND_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_ARRAY_SIZE (size)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_BACK_1 (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_BACK_1_SAFE (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_BACK_1_UNSAFE (s, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_BACK_N (s, start, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_BACK_N_SAFE (s, start, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_BACK_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_BACK_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_FIRST_SURROGATE (supplementary)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_FWD_1 (s, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_FWD_1_SAFE (s, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_FWD_1_UNSAFE (s, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_1_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_FWD_N (s, i, length, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_FWD_N_SAFE (s, i, length, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_FWD_N_UNSAFE (s, i, n)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_FWD_N_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_GET_CHAR (s, start, i, length, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_GET_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, length, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_GET instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_GET_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_GET_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_IS_ERROR (c)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_IS_LEAD (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_LEAD and U16_IS_LEAD, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_IS_SINGLE (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SINGLE and U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SINGLE and U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SINGLE and U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SINGLE and U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SINGLE and U16_IS_SINGLE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_IS_SURROGATE (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE and U16_IS_SURROGATE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE and U16_IS_SURROGATE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE and U16_IS_SURROGATE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE and U16_IS_SURROGATE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE and U16_IS_SURROGATE, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD and U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD and U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD and U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD and U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD and U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_IS_TRAIL (uchar)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_TRAIL and U16_IS_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_CHAR, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U_IS_UNICODE_NONCHAR, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_IS_VALID (c)

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_MAX_LENGTH, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_LENGTH or test ((uint32_t)(c)>0xffff) instead.

Member UTF_NEXT_CHAR (s, i, length, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_NEXT_CHAR_SAFE (s, i, length, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_NEXT instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_NEXT_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_NEXT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_PREV_CHAR (s, start, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_PREV_CHAR_SAFE (s, start, i, c, strict)

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use U16_PREV instead, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_PREV_CHAR_UNSAFE (s, i, c)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_PREV_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_SECOND_SURROGATE (supplementary)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_TRAIL, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_SET_CHAR_LIMIT (s, start, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_SET_CHAR_LIMIT_SAFE (s, start, i, length)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_LIMIT_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_SET_CHAR_START (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

Member UTF_SET_CHAR_START_SAFE (s, start, i)

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SET_CP_START_UNSAFE, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Use the macros in utf.h, utf16.h, utf8.h instead.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use the macros in utf.h, utf16.h, utf8.h instead.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use the macros in utf.h, utf16.h, utf8.h instead.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use the macros in utf.h, utf16.h, utf8.h instead.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Use the macros in utf.h, utf16.h, utf8.h instead.

ICU 2.4. Obsolete, see utf_old.h.


ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET, see utf_old.h.

ICU 2.4. Renamed to U16_SURROGATE_OFFSET, see utf_old.h.