This is the complete list of members for rx::ContextGL, including all inherited members.
ContextGL(const gl::ContextState &state, RendererGL *renderer) | rx::ContextGL | |
ContextImpl(const gl::ContextState &state) | rx::ContextImpl | |
coverFillPath(const gl::Path *path, GLenum coverMode) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
coverFillPathInstanced(const std::vector< gl::Path *> &paths, GLenum coverMode, GLenum transformType, const GLfloat *transformValues) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
coverStrokePath(const gl::Path *path, GLenum coverMode) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
coverStrokePathInstanced(const std::vector< gl::Path *> &paths, GLenum coverMode, GLenum transformType, const GLfloat *transformValues) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createBuffer() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createCompiler() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createFenceNV() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createFenceSync() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createFramebuffer(const gl::FramebufferState &data) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createPaths(GLsizei range) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createProgram(const gl::ProgramState &data) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createQuery(GLenum type) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createRenderbuffer() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createSampler() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createShader(const gl::ShaderState &data) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createTexture(const gl::TextureState &state) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createTransformFeedback(const gl::TransformFeedbackState &state) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
createVertexArray(const gl::VertexArrayState &data) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
drawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
drawArraysInstanced(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei instanceCount) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
drawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, const gl::IndexRange &indexRange) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
drawElementsInstanced(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, GLsizei instances, const gl::IndexRange &indexRange) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
drawRangeElements(GLenum mode, GLuint start, GLuint end, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid *indices, const gl::IndexRange &indexRange) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
finish() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
flush() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getCaps() const | rx::ContextImpl | inline |
getClientMajorVersion() const | rx::ContextImpl | inline |
getClientMinorVersion() const | rx::ContextImpl | inline |
getContextState() | rx::ContextImpl | inline |
getExtensions() const | rx::ContextImpl | inline |
getFunctions() const | rx::ContextGL | |
getGLState() const | rx::ContextImpl | inline |
getGPUDisjoint() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getLimitations() const | rx::ContextImpl | inline |
getNativeCaps() const override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getNativeExtensions() const override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getNativeLimitations() const override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getNativeTextureCaps() const override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getRendererDescription() const override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getResetStatus() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getStateManager() | rx::ContextGL | |
getTextureCaps() const | rx::ContextImpl | inline |
getTimestamp() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getVendorString() const override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
getWorkaroundsGL() | rx::ContextGL | |
GLImplFactory() | rx::GLImplFactory | inline |
initialize() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
insertEventMarker(GLsizei length, const char *marker) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
mState | rx::ContextImpl | protected |
onMakeCurrent(const gl::ContextState &data) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
popGroupMarker() override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
pushGroupMarker(GLsizei length, const char *marker) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
stencilFillPath(const gl::Path *path, GLenum fillMode, GLuint mask) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
stencilFillPathInstanced(const std::vector< gl::Path *> &paths, GLenum fillMode, GLuint mask, GLenum transformType, const GLfloat *transformValues) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
stencilStrokePath(const gl::Path *path, GLint reference, GLuint mask) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
stencilStrokePathInstanced(const std::vector< gl::Path *> &paths, GLint reference, GLuint mask, GLenum transformType, const GLfloat *transformValues) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
stencilThenCoverFillPath(const gl::Path *path, GLenum fillMode, GLuint mask, GLenum coverMode) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
stencilThenCoverFillPathInstanced(const std::vector< gl::Path *> &paths, GLenum coverMode, GLenum fillMode, GLuint mask, GLenum transformType, const GLfloat *transformValues) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
stencilThenCoverStrokePath(const gl::Path *path, GLint reference, GLuint mask, GLenum coverMode) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
stencilThenCoverStrokePathInstanced(const std::vector< gl::Path *> &paths, GLenum coverMode, GLint reference, GLuint mask, GLenum transformType, const GLfloat *transformValues) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
syncState(const gl::State &state, const gl::State::DirtyBits &dirtyBits) override | rx::ContextGL | virtual |
~ContextGL() override | rx::ContextGL | |
~ContextImpl() | rx::ContextImpl | virtual |
~GLImplFactory() | rx::GLImplFactory | inlinevirtual |