This is the complete list of members for rx::Blit11, including all inherited members.
Blit11(Renderer11 *renderer) | rx::Blit11 | explicit |
BlitConvertFunction typedef | rx::Blit11 | |
copyDepth(ID3D11ShaderResourceView *source, const gl::Box &sourceArea, const gl::Extents &sourceSize, ID3D11DepthStencilView *dest, const gl::Box &destArea, const gl::Extents &destSize, const gl::Rectangle *scissor) | rx::Blit11 | |
copyDepthStencil(const TextureHelper11 &source, unsigned int sourceSubresource, const gl::Box &sourceArea, const gl::Extents &sourceSize, const TextureHelper11 &dest, unsigned int destSubresource, const gl::Box &destArea, const gl::Extents &destSize, const gl::Rectangle *scissor) | rx::Blit11 | |
copyStencil(const TextureHelper11 &source, unsigned int sourceSubresource, const gl::Box &sourceArea, const gl::Extents &sourceSize, const TextureHelper11 &dest, unsigned int destSubresource, const gl::Box &destArea, const gl::Extents &destSize, const gl::Rectangle *scissor) | rx::Blit11 | |
copyTexture(ID3D11ShaderResourceView *source, const gl::Box &sourceArea, const gl::Extents &sourceSize, ID3D11RenderTargetView *dest, const gl::Box &destArea, const gl::Extents &destSize, const gl::Rectangle *scissor, GLenum destFormat, GLenum filter, bool maskOffAlpha, bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha, bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha) | rx::Blit11 | |
NonCopyable()=default | angle::NonCopyable | private |
NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &)=delete | angle::NonCopyable | private |
operator=(const NonCopyable &)=delete | angle::NonCopyable | private |
resolveDepth(RenderTarget11 *depth) | rx::Blit11 | |
resolveStencil(RenderTarget11 *depthStencil, bool alsoDepth) | rx::Blit11 | |
swizzleTexture(ID3D11ShaderResourceView *source, ID3D11RenderTargetView *dest, const gl::Extents &size, const gl::SwizzleState &swizzleTarget) | rx::Blit11 | |
~Blit11() | rx::Blit11 | |
~NonCopyable()=default | angle::NonCopyable | private |