This is the complete list of members for egl::Display, including all inherited members.
createContext(const Config *configuration, gl::Context *shareContext, const AttributeMap &attribs, gl::Context **outContext) | egl::Display | |
createImage(gl::Context *context, EGLenum target, EGLClientBuffer buffer, const AttributeMap &attribs, Image **outImage) | egl::Display | |
createPbufferFromClientBuffer(const Config *configuration, EGLClientBuffer shareHandle, const AttributeMap &attribs, Surface **outSurface) | egl::Display | |
createPbufferSurface(const Config *configuration, const AttributeMap &attribs, Surface **outSurface) | egl::Display | |
createPixmapSurface(const Config *configuration, NativePixmapType nativePixmap, const AttributeMap &attribs, Surface **outSurface) | egl::Display | |
createStream(const AttributeMap &attribs, Stream **outStream) | egl::Display | |
createWindowSurface(const Config *configuration, EGLNativeWindowType window, const AttributeMap &attribs, Surface **outSurface) | egl::Display | |
destroyContext(gl::Context *context) | egl::Display | |
destroyImage(egl::Image *image) | egl::Display | |
destroyStream(egl::Stream *stream) | egl::Display | |
destroySurface(egl::Surface *surface) | egl::Display | |
getAttributeMap() const | egl::Display | inline |
getCaps() const | egl::Display | |
getClientExtensions() | egl::Display | static |
getClientExtensionString() | egl::Display | static |
getConfigAttrib(const Config *configuration, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) | egl::Display | |
getConfigs(const egl::AttributeMap &attribs) const | egl::Display | |
getDevice() const | egl::Display | |
GetDisplayFromAttribs(void *native_display, const AttributeMap &attribMap) | egl::Display | static |
GetDisplayFromDevice(void *native_display) | egl::Display | static |
getExtensions() const | egl::Display | |
getExtensionString() const | egl::Display | |
getImplementation() | egl::Display | inline |
getMaxSupportedESVersion() const | egl::Display | |
getNativeDisplayId() const | egl::Display | inline |
getPlatform() const | egl::Display | inline |
getVendorString() const | egl::Display | |
hasExistingWindowSurface(EGLNativeWindowType window) | egl::Display | static |
initialize() | egl::Display | |
isDeviceLost() const | egl::Display | |
isInitialized() const | egl::Display | |
isValidConfig(const Config *config) const | egl::Display | |
isValidContext(gl::Context *context) const | egl::Display | |
isValidDisplay(const egl::Display *display) | egl::Display | static |
isValidImage(const Image *image) const | egl::Display | |
isValidNativeDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType display) | egl::Display | static |
isValidNativeWindow(EGLNativeWindowType window) const | egl::Display | |
isValidStream(const Stream *stream) const | egl::Display | |
isValidSurface(egl::Surface *surface) const | egl::Display | |
makeCurrent(egl::Surface *drawSurface, egl::Surface *readSurface, gl::Context *context) | egl::Display | |
NonCopyable()=default | angle::NonCopyable | private |
NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &)=delete | angle::NonCopyable | private |
notifyDeviceLost() | egl::Display | |
operator=(const NonCopyable &)=delete | angle::NonCopyable | private |
terminate() | egl::Display | |
testDeviceLost() | egl::Display | |
waitClient() const | egl::Display | |
waitNative(EGLint engine, egl::Surface *drawSurface, egl::Surface *readSurface) const | egl::Display | |
~Display() | egl::Display | |
~NonCopyable()=default | angle::NonCopyable | private |