This is the complete list of members for WebURLCredential, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | WebURLCredential | virtual |
createInstance() | WebURLCredential | static |
createInstance(const WebCore::Credential &) | WebURLCredential | static |
credential() const | WebURLCredential | |
hasPassword(_Out_ BOOL *result) | WebURLCredential | virtual |
IWebURLCredential::hasPassword([out, retval] BOOL *result) | IWebURLCredential | |
initWithUser(_In_ BSTR user, _In_ BSTR password, WebURLCredentialPersistence) | WebURLCredential | virtual |
IWebURLCredential::initWithUser([in] BSTR user, [in] BSTR password, [in] WebURLCredentialPersistence persistence) | IWebURLCredential | |
m_credential | WebURLCredential | protected |
m_refCount | WebURLCredential | protected |
password(__deref_opt_out BSTR *password) | WebURLCredential | virtual |
IWebURLCredential::password([out, retval] BSTR *password) | IWebURLCredential | |
persistence(_Out_ WebURLCredentialPersistence *result) | WebURLCredential | virtual |
IWebURLCredential::persistence([out, retval] WebURLCredentialPersistence *result) | IWebURLCredential | |
QueryInterface(_In_ REFIID riid, _COM_Outptr_ void **ppvObject) | WebURLCredential | virtual |
Release() | WebURLCredential | virtual |
user(__deref_opt_out BSTR *result) | WebURLCredential | virtual |
IWebURLCredential::user([out, retval] BSTR *result) | IWebURLCredential |