This is the complete list of members for WebNotificationCenter, including all inherited members.
addObserver(_In_opt_ IWebNotificationObserver *, _In_ BSTR notificationName, _In_opt_ IUnknown *anObject) | WebNotificationCenter | virtual |
IWebNotificationCenter::addObserver([in] IWebNotificationObserver *observer, [in] BSTR notificationName, [in] IUnknown *anObject) | IWebNotificationCenter | |
AddRef() | WebNotificationCenter | virtual |
createInstance() | WebNotificationCenter | static |
d | WebNotificationCenter | protected |
defaultCenter(_COM_Outptr_opt_ IWebNotificationCenter **) | WebNotificationCenter | virtual |
IWebNotificationCenter::defaultCenter([out, retval] IWebNotificationCenter **center) | IWebNotificationCenter | |
defaultCenterInternal() | WebNotificationCenter | static |
m_defaultCenter | WebNotificationCenter | protectedstatic |
m_refCount | WebNotificationCenter | protected |
postNotification(_In_opt_ IWebNotification *) | WebNotificationCenter | virtual |
IWebNotificationCenter::postNotification([in] IWebNotification *notification) | IWebNotificationCenter | |
postNotificationInternal(IWebNotification *notification, BSTR notificationName, IUnknown *anObject) | WebNotificationCenter | |
postNotificationName(_In_ BSTR notificationName, _In_opt_ IUnknown *anObject, _In_opt_ IPropertyBag *userInfo) | WebNotificationCenter | virtual |
IWebNotificationCenter::postNotificationName([in] BSTR notificationName, [in] IUnknown *anObject, [in] IPropertyBag *userInfo) | IWebNotificationCenter | |
QueryInterface(_In_ REFIID riid, _COM_Outptr_ void **ppvObject) | WebNotificationCenter | virtual |
Release() | WebNotificationCenter | virtual |
removeObserver(_In_opt_ IWebNotificationObserver *, _In_ BSTR notificationName, _In_opt_ IUnknown *anObject) | WebNotificationCenter | virtual |
IWebNotificationCenter::removeObserver([in] IWebNotificationObserver *anObserver, [in] BSTR notificationName, [in] IUnknown *anObject) | IWebNotificationCenter | |
WebNotificationCenter() | WebNotificationCenter | protected |
~WebNotificationCenter() | WebNotificationCenter | protected |