This is the complete list of members for TSymbolTable, including all inherited members.
addInvariantVarying(const std::string &originalName) | TSymbolTable | inline |
atBuiltInLevel() const | TSymbolTable | inline |
atGlobalLevel() const | TSymbolTable | inline |
declare(TSymbol *symbol) | TSymbolTable | inline |
dump(TInfoSink &infoSink) const | TSymbolTable | |
find(const TString &name, int shaderVersion, bool *builtIn=NULL, bool *sameScope=NULL) const | TSymbolTable | |
findBuiltIn(const TString &name, int shaderVersion) const | TSymbolTable | |
getDefaultPrecision(TBasicType type) const | TSymbolTable | |
getOuterLevel() | TSymbolTable | inline |
hasUnmangledBuiltIn(const char *name) | TSymbolTable | inline |
insert(ESymbolLevel level, TSymbol *symbol) | TSymbolTable | inline |
insert(ESymbolLevel level, const char *ext, TSymbol *symbol) | TSymbolTable | inline |
insertBuiltIn(ESymbolLevel level, TOperator op, const char *ext, const TType *rvalue, const char *name, const TType *ptype1, const TType *ptype2=0, const TType *ptype3=0, const TType *ptype4=0, const TType *ptype5=0) | TSymbolTable | |
insertBuiltIn(ESymbolLevel level, const TType *rvalue, const char *name, const TType *ptype1, const TType *ptype2=0, const TType *ptype3=0, const TType *ptype4=0, const TType *ptype5=0) | TSymbolTable | inline |
insertBuiltIn(ESymbolLevel level, const char *ext, const TType *rvalue, const char *name, const TType *ptype1, const TType *ptype2=0, const TType *ptype3=0, const TType *ptype4=0, const TType *ptype5=0) | TSymbolTable | inline |
insertBuiltIn(ESymbolLevel level, TOperator op, const TType *rvalue, const char *name, const TType *ptype1, const TType *ptype2=0, const TType *ptype3=0, const TType *ptype4=0, const TType *ptype5=0) | TSymbolTable | inline |
insertConstInt(ESymbolLevel level, const char *name, int value, TPrecision precision) | TSymbolTable | inline |
insertConstIntExt(ESymbolLevel level, const char *ext, const char *name, int value) | TSymbolTable | inline |
insertConstIvec3(ESymbolLevel level, const char *name, const std::array< int, 3 > &values, TPrecision precision) | TSymbolTable | inline |
isEmpty() const | TSymbolTable | inline |
isVaryingInvariant(const std::string &originalName) const | TSymbolTable | inline |
nextUniqueId() | TSymbolTable | inlinestatic |
NonCopyable()=default | angle::NonCopyable | private |
NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &)=delete | angle::NonCopyable | private |
operator=(const NonCopyable &)=delete | angle::NonCopyable | private |
pop() | TSymbolTable | inline |
push() | TSymbolTable | inline |
setDefaultPrecision(const TPublicType &type, TPrecision prec) | TSymbolTable | inline |
setGlobalInvariant(bool invariant) | TSymbolTable | inline |
TSymbolTable() | TSymbolTable | inline |
~NonCopyable()=default | angle::NonCopyable | private |
~TSymbolTable() | TSymbolTable |