This is the complete list of members for TParseContext, including all inherited members.
addAssign(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addBinaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addBinaryMathBooleanResult(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addBranch(TOperator op, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addBranch(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *returnValue, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addCase(TIntermTyped *condition, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addComma(TIntermTyped *left, TIntermTyped *right, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addConstructor(TIntermNode *arguments, TOperator op, TFunction *fnCall, const TSourceLoc &line) | TParseContext | |
addConstructorFunc(const TPublicType &publicType) | TParseContext | |
addDefault(const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addFieldSelectionExpression(TIntermTyped *baseExpression, const TSourceLoc &dotLocation, const TString &fieldString, const TSourceLoc &fieldLocation) | TParseContext | |
addFullySpecifiedType(const TTypeQualifierBuilder &typeQualifierBuilder, const TPublicType &typeSpecifier) | TParseContext | |
addFunctionCallOrMethod(TFunction *fnCall, TIntermNode *paramNode, TIntermNode *thisNode, const TSourceLoc &loc, bool *fatalError) | TParseContext | |
addFunctionDefinition(const TFunction &function, TIntermAggregate *functionParameters, TIntermBlock *functionBody, const TSourceLoc &location) | TParseContext | |
addFunctionPrototypeDeclaration(const TFunction &parsedFunction, const TSourceLoc &location) | TParseContext | |
addIndexExpression(TIntermTyped *baseExpression, const TSourceLoc &location, TIntermTyped *indexExpression) | TParseContext | |
addInterfaceBlock(const TTypeQualifierBuilder &typeQualifierBuilder, const TSourceLoc &nameLine, const TString &blockName, TFieldList *fieldList, const TString *instanceName, const TSourceLoc &instanceLine, TIntermTyped *arrayIndex, const TSourceLoc &arrayIndexLine) | TParseContext | |
addStructDeclaratorList(const TPublicType &typeSpecifier, TFieldList *fieldList) | TParseContext | |
addStructDeclaratorListWithQualifiers(const TTypeQualifierBuilder &typeQualifierBuilder, TPublicType *typeSpecifier, TFieldList *fieldList) | TParseContext | |
addStructure(const TSourceLoc &structLine, const TSourceLoc &nameLine, const TString *structName, TFieldList *fieldList) | TParseContext | |
addSwitch(TIntermTyped *init, TIntermBlock *statementList, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addTernarySelection(TIntermTyped *cond, TIntermTyped *trueExpression, TIntermTyped *falseExpression, const TSourceLoc &line) | TParseContext | |
addUnaryMath(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *child, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
addUnaryMathLValue(TOperator op, TIntermTyped *child, const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
assignError(const TSourceLoc &line, const char *op, TString left, TString right) | TParseContext | |
binaryOpError(const TSourceLoc &line, const char *op, TString left, TString right) | TParseContext | |
checkCanBeLValue(const TSourceLoc &line, const char *op, TIntermTyped *node) | TParseContext | |
checkCanUseExtension(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString &extension) | TParseContext | |
checkConstructorArguments(const TSourceLoc &line, TIntermNode *argumentsNode, const TFunction &function, TOperator op, const TType &type) | TParseContext | |
checkDeclaratorLocationIsNotSpecified(const TSourceLoc &line, const TPublicType &pType) | TParseContext | |
checkInputOutputTypeIsValidES3(const TQualifier qualifier, const TPublicType &type, const TSourceLoc &qualifierLocation) | TParseContext | |
checkInvariantVariableQualifier(bool invariant, const TQualifier qualifier, const TSourceLoc &invariantLocation) | TParseContext | |
checkIsAtGlobalLevel(const TSourceLoc &line, const char *token) | TParseContext | |
checkIsBelowStructNestingLimit(const TSourceLoc &line, const TField &field) | TParseContext | |
checkIsConst(TIntermTyped *node) | TParseContext | |
checkIsNonVoid(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString &identifier, const TBasicType &type) | TParseContext | |
checkIsNotReserved(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString &identifier) | TParseContext | |
checkIsNotSampler(const TSourceLoc &line, const TTypeSpecifierNonArray &pType, const char *reason) | TParseContext | |
checkIsParameterQualifierValid(const TSourceLoc &line, const TTypeQualifierBuilder &typeQualifierBuilder, TType *type) | TParseContext | |
checkIsScalarBool(const TSourceLoc &line, const TIntermTyped *type) | TParseContext | |
checkIsScalarBool(const TSourceLoc &line, const TPublicType &pType) | TParseContext | |
checkIsScalarInteger(TIntermTyped *node, const char *token) | TParseContext | |
checkIsValidArraySize(const TSourceLoc &line, TIntermTyped *expr) | TParseContext | |
checkIsValidQualifierForArray(const TSourceLoc &line, const TPublicType &elementQualifier) | TParseContext | |
checkIsValidTypeForArray(const TSourceLoc &line, const TPublicType &elementType) | TParseContext | |
checkLayoutQualifierSupported(const TSourceLoc &location, const TString &layoutQualifierName, int versionRequired) | TParseContext | |
checkLocationIsNotSpecified(const TSourceLoc &location, const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier) | TParseContext | |
checkOutParameterIsNotSampler(const TSourceLoc &line, TQualifier qualifier, const TType &type) | TParseContext | |
checkPrecisionSpecified(const TSourceLoc &line, TPrecision precision, TBasicType type) | TParseContext | |
checkTextureOffsetConst(TIntermAggregate *functionCall) | TParseContext | |
checkWorkGroupSizeIsNotSpecified(const TSourceLoc &location, const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier) | TParseContext | |
containsSampler(const TType &type) | TParseContext | |
createTypeQualifierBuilder(const TSourceLoc &loc) | TParseContext | |
declaringFunction() const | TParseContext | inline |
decrLoopNestingLevel() | TParseContext | inline |
decrSwitchNestingLevel() | TParseContext | inline |
enterFunctionDeclaration() | TParseContext | inline |
enterStructDeclaration(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString &identifier) | TParseContext | |
error(const TSourceLoc &loc, const char *reason, const char *token, const char *extraInfo="") | TParseContext | |
executeInitializer(const TSourceLoc &line, const TString &identifier, const TPublicType &pType, TIntermTyped *initializer, TIntermNode **intermNode) | TParseContext | |
exitFunctionDeclaration() | TParseContext | inline |
exitStructDeclaration() | TParseContext | |
extensionBehavior() const | TParseContext | inline |
findFunction(const TSourceLoc &line, TFunction *pfnCall, int inputShaderVersion, bool *builtIn=0) | TParseContext | |
functionCallLValueErrorCheck(const TFunction *fnCandidate, TIntermAggregate *fnCall) | TParseContext | |
getComputeShaderLocalSize() const | TParseContext | |
getFragmentPrecisionHigh() const | TParseContext | inline |
getNamedVariable(const TSourceLoc &location, const TString *name, const TSymbol *symbol) | TParseContext | |
getPreprocessor() const | TParseContext | inline |
getPreprocessor() | TParseContext | inline |
getScanner() const | TParseContext | inline |
getShaderSpec() const | TParseContext | inline |
getShaderType() const | TParseContext | inline |
getShaderVersion() const | TParseContext | inline |
getTreeRoot() const | TParseContext | inline |
handleExtensionDirective(const TSourceLoc &loc, const char *extName, const char *behavior) | TParseContext | |
handlePragmaDirective(const TSourceLoc &loc, const char *name, const char *value, bool stdgl) | TParseContext | |
incrLoopNestingLevel() | TParseContext | inline |
incrSwitchNestingLevel() | TParseContext | inline |
infoSink() | TParseContext | inline |
intermediate | TParseContext | |
isComputeShaderLocalSizeDeclared() const | TParseContext | inline |
isExtensionEnabled(const char *extension) const | TParseContext | |
joinLayoutQualifiers(TLayoutQualifier leftQualifier, TLayoutQualifier rightQualifier, const TSourceLoc &rightQualifierLocation) | TParseContext | |
NonCopyable()=default | angle::NonCopyable | private |
NonCopyable(const NonCopyable &)=delete | angle::NonCopyable | private |
numErrors() const | TParseContext | inline |
operator=(const NonCopyable &)=delete | angle::NonCopyable | private |
outOfRangeError(bool isError, const TSourceLoc &loc, const char *reason, const char *token, const char *extraInfo="") | TParseContext | |
parseArrayDeclarator(TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &arrayLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression) | TParseContext | |
parseArrayInitDeclarator(const TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &indexLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression, const TSourceLoc &initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer) | TParseContext | |
parseDeclarator(TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier) | TParseContext | |
parseFunctionDeclarator(const TSourceLoc &location, TFunction *function) | TParseContext | |
parseFunctionDefinitionHeader(const TSourceLoc &location, TFunction **function, TIntermAggregate **aggregateOut) | TParseContext | |
parseFunctionHeader(const TPublicType &type, const TString *name, const TSourceLoc &location) | TParseContext | |
parseGlobalLayoutQualifier(const TTypeQualifierBuilder &typeQualifierBuilder) | TParseContext | |
parseInitDeclarator(const TPublicType &publicType, TIntermAggregate *aggregateDeclaration, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer) | TParseContext | |
parseInvariantDeclaration(const TTypeQualifierBuilder &typeQualifierBuilder, const TSourceLoc &identifierLoc, const TString *identifier, const TSymbol *symbol) | TParseContext | |
parseLayoutQualifier(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc &qualifierTypeLine) | TParseContext | |
parseLayoutQualifier(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc &qualifierTypeLine, int intValue, const TSourceLoc &intValueLine) | TParseContext | |
parseLocalSize(const TString &qualifierType, const TSourceLoc &qualifierTypeLine, int intValue, const TSourceLoc &intValueLine, const std::string &intValueString, size_t index, sh::WorkGroupSize *localSize) | TParseContext | |
parseSingleArrayDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &indexLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression) | TParseContext | |
parseSingleArrayInitDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &indexLocation, TIntermTyped *indexExpression, const TSourceLoc &initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer) | TParseContext | |
parseSingleDeclaration(TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierOrTypeLocation, const TString &identifier) | TParseContext | |
parseSingleInitDeclaration(const TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation, const TString &identifier, const TSourceLoc &initLocation, TIntermTyped *initializer) | TParseContext | |
parseVariableIdentifier(const TSourceLoc &location, const TString *name, const TSymbol *symbol) | TParseContext | |
parseVectorFields(const TString &, int vecSize, TVectorFields &, const TSourceLoc &line) | TParseContext | |
pragma() const | TParseContext | inline |
setFragmentPrecisionHighOnESSL1(bool fragmentPrecisionHigh) | TParseContext | inline |
setLoopNestingLevel(int loopNestintLevel) | TParseContext | inline |
setScanner(void *scanner) | TParseContext | inline |
setTreeRoot(TIntermBlock *treeRoot) | TParseContext | inline |
singleDeclarationErrorCheck(const TPublicType &publicType, const TSourceLoc &identifierLocation) | TParseContext | |
supportsExtension(const char *extension) | TParseContext | |
symbolTable | TParseContext | |
TParseContext(TSymbolTable &symt, TExtensionBehavior &ext, sh::GLenum type, ShShaderSpec spec, ShCompileOptions options, bool checksPrecErrors, TInfoSink &is, const ShBuiltInResources &resources) | TParseContext | inline |
unaryOpError(const TSourceLoc &line, const char *op, TString operand) | TParseContext | |
warning(const TSourceLoc &loc, const char *reason, const char *token, const char *extraInfo="") | TParseContext | |
~NonCopyable()=default | angle::NonCopyable | private |