This is the complete list of members for TOutputESSL, including all inherited members.
clearReplacementQueue() | TIntermTraverser | protected |
createTempAssignment(TIntermTyped *rightNode) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
createTempDeclaration(const TType &type) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
createTempInitDeclaration(TIntermTyped *initializer, TQualifier qualifier) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
createTempInitDeclaration(TIntermTyped *initializer) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
createTempSymbol(const TType &type, TQualifier qualifier) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
createTempSymbol(const TType &type) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
decrementDepth() | TIntermTraverser | inlineprotected |
getAncestorNode(unsigned int n) | TIntermTraverser | inlineprotected |
getMaxDepth() const | TIntermTraverser | inline |
getParentNode() | TIntermTraverser | inlineprotected |
getShaderOutput() const | TOutputGLSLBase | inline |
getTypeName(const TType &type) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
hash(const TString &name, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction) | TIntermTraverser | static |
hashFunctionNameIfNeeded(const TName &mangledName) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
hashName(const TString &name) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
hashVariableName(const TString &name) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
incrementDepth(TIntermNode *current) | TIntermTraverser | inlineprotected |
incrementParentBlockPos() | TIntermTraverser | protected |
insertStatementInParentBlock(TIntermNode *statement) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
insertStatementsInParentBlock(const TIntermSequence &insertions) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
insertStatementsInParentBlock(const TIntermSequence &insertionsBefore, const TIntermSequence &insertionsAfter) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
inVisit | TIntermTraverser | protected |
mDepth | TIntermTraverser | protected |
mInGlobalScope | TIntermTraverser | protected |
mInsertions | TIntermTraverser | protected |
mMaxDepth | TIntermTraverser | protected |
mMultiReplacements | TIntermTraverser | protected |
mPath | TIntermTraverser | protected |
nextTemporaryIndex() | TIntermTraverser | protected |
objSink() | TOutputGLSLBase | inlineprotected |
OriginalNode enum name | TIntermTraverser | protected |
parentNodeIsBlock() | TIntermTraverser | inlineprotected |
POOL_ALLOCATOR_NEW_DELETE() | TIntermTraverser | |
popParentBlock() | TIntermTraverser | protected |
postVisit | TIntermTraverser | protected |
preVisit | TIntermTraverser | protected |
pushParentBlock(TIntermBlock *node) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
queueReplacement(TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement, OriginalNode originalStatus) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
queueReplacementWithParent(TIntermNode *parent, TIntermNode *original, TIntermNode *replacement, OriginalNode originalStatus) | TIntermTraverser | protected |
TIntermTraverser(bool preVisit, bool inVisit, bool postVisit) | TIntermTraverser | |
TOutputESSL(TInfoSinkBase &objSink, ShArrayIndexClampingStrategy clampingStrategy, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction, NameMap &nameMap, TSymbolTable &symbolTable, int shaderVersion, bool forceHighp) | TOutputESSL | |
TOutputGLSLBase(TInfoSinkBase &objSink, ShArrayIndexClampingStrategy clampingStrategy, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction, NameMap &nameMap, TSymbolTable &symbolTable, int shaderVersion, ShShaderOutput output) | TOutputGLSLBase | |
translateTextureFunction(TString &name) | TOutputGLSLBase | inlineprotectedvirtual |
traverseAggregate(TIntermAggregate *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseBinary(TIntermBinary *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseBlock(TIntermBlock *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseBranch(TIntermBranch *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseCase(TIntermCase *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseFunctionDefinition(TIntermFunctionDefinition *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseIfElse(TIntermIfElse *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseLoop(TIntermLoop *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseRaw(TIntermRaw *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseSwitch(TIntermSwitch *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseSwizzle(TIntermSwizzle *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseTernary(TIntermTernary *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
traverseUnary(TIntermUnary *node) | TIntermTraverser | virtual |
updateTree() | TIntermTraverser | |
useTemporaryIndex(unsigned int *temporaryIndex) | TIntermTraverser | |
visitAggregate(Visit visit, TIntermAggregate *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitBinary(Visit visit, TIntermBinary *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitBlock(Visit visit, TIntermBlock *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitBranch(Visit visit, TIntermBranch *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitCase(Visit visit, TIntermCase *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitCodeBlock(TIntermBlock *node) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitFunctionDefinition(Visit visit, TIntermFunctionDefinition *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitIfElse(Visit visit, TIntermIfElse *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitLoop(Visit visit, TIntermLoop *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitRaw(TIntermRaw *node) | TIntermTraverser | inlinevirtual |
visitSwitch(Visit visit, TIntermSwitch *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitSwizzle(Visit visit, TIntermSwizzle *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitTernary(Visit visit, TIntermTernary *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
visitUnary(Visit visit, TIntermUnary *node) override | TOutputGLSLBase | protectedvirtual |
writeConstantUnion(const TType &type, const TConstantUnion *pConstUnion) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
writeConstructorTriplet(Visit visit, const TType &type) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
writeFunctionParameters(const TIntermSequence &args) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
writeLayoutQualifier(const TType &type) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
writeTriplet(Visit visit, const char *preStr, const char *inStr, const char *postStr) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
writeVariablePrecision(TPrecision precision) override | TOutputESSL | protectedvirtual |
writeVariableType(const TType &type) | TOutputGLSLBase | protected |
~TIntermTraverser() | TIntermTraverser | virtual |