This is the complete list of members for COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType >, including all inherited members.
AddRef() | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
adopt(HashMapType &) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | static |
CountProperties(_Out_ ULONG *pcProperties) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
createInstance(const HashMapType &) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | static |
GetPropertyInfo(ULONG iProperty, ULONG cProperties, __out_ecount_full(cProperties) PROPBAG2 *, _Out_ ULONG *pcProperties) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
HashMapType typedef | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | |
LoadObject(_In_ LPCOLESTR pstrName, DWORD dwHint, _In_opt_ IUnknown *, _In_opt_ IErrorLog *) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
QueryInterface(_In_ REFIID riid, _COM_Outptr_ void **ppvObject) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
Read(LPCOLESTR pszPropName, VARIANT *, IErrorLog *) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
Read(ULONG cProperties, __inout_ecount_full(cProperties) PROPBAG2 *, _In_opt_ IErrorLog *, __out_ecount_full(cProperties) VARIANT *, __inout_ecount_full_opt(cProperties) HRESULT *) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
Release() | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
Write(_In_ LPCOLESTR pszPropName, _In_ VARIANT *) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |
Write(ULONG cProperties, __inout_ecount_full(cProperties) PROPBAG2 *, __inout_ecount_full(cProperties) VARIANT *) | COMPropertyBag< ValueType, KeyType, HashType > | virtual |