webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
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1 /* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3  Distributed under MIT license.
4  See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
5 */
7 /* Bit reading helpers */
12 #include <string.h> /* memcpy */
14 #include "./port.h"
15 #include "./types.h"
17 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
18 extern "C" {
19 #endif
21 #if (BROTLI_64_BITS)
23 typedef uint64_t reg_t;
24 #else
26 typedef uint32_t reg_t;
27 #endif
29 static const uint32_t kBitMask[33] = { 0x0000,
30  0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000F,
31  0x0000001F, 0x0000003F, 0x0000007F, 0x000000FF,
32  0x000001FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000007FF, 0x00000FFF,
33  0x00001FFF, 0x00003FFF, 0x00007FFF, 0x0000FFFF,
34  0x0001FFFF, 0x0003FFFF, 0x0007FFFF, 0x000FFFFF,
35  0x001FFFFF, 0x003FFFFF, 0x007FFFFF, 0x00FFFFFF,
36  0x01FFFFFF, 0x03FFFFFF, 0x07FFFFFF, 0x0FFFFFFF,
38 };
40 static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t BitMask(uint32_t n) {
42  /* Masking with this expression turns to a single
43  "Unsigned Bit Field Extract" UBFX instruction on ARM. */
44  return ~((0xffffffffU) << n);
45  } else {
46  return kBitMask[n];
47  }
48 }
50 typedef struct {
51  reg_t val_; /* pre-fetched bits */
52  uint32_t bit_pos_; /* current bit-reading position in val_ */
53  const uint8_t* next_in; /* the byte we're reading from */
54  size_t avail_in;
57 typedef struct {
58  reg_t val_;
60  const uint8_t* next_in;
61  size_t avail_in;
64 /* Initializes the bitreader fields. */
67 /* Ensures that accumulator is not empty. May consume one byte of input.
68  Returns 0 if data is required but there is no input available.
69  For BROTLI_ALIGNED_READ this function also prepares bit reader for aligned
70  reading. */
73 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliBitReaderSaveState(
74  BrotliBitReader* const from, BrotliBitReaderState* to) {
75  to->val_ = from->val_;
76  to->bit_pos_ = from->bit_pos_;
77  to->next_in = from->next_in;
78  to->avail_in = from->avail_in;
79 }
81 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliBitReaderRestoreState(
82  BrotliBitReader* const to, BrotliBitReaderState* from) {
83  to->val_ = from->val_;
84  to->bit_pos_ = from->bit_pos_;
85  to->next_in = from->next_in;
86  to->avail_in = from->avail_in;
87 }
89 static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t BrotliGetAvailableBits(
90  const BrotliBitReader* br) {
91  return (BROTLI_64_BITS ? 64 : 32) - br->bit_pos_;
92 }
94 /* Returns amount of unread bytes the bit reader still has buffered from the
95  BrotliInput, including whole bytes in br->val_. */
96 static BROTLI_INLINE size_t BrotliGetRemainingBytes(BrotliBitReader* br) {
97  return br->avail_in + (BrotliGetAvailableBits(br) >> 3);
98 }
100 /* Checks if there is at least num bytes left in the input ringbuffer (excluding
101  the bits remaining in br->val_). */
102 static BROTLI_INLINE int BrotliCheckInputAmount(
103  BrotliBitReader* const br, size_t num) {
104  return br->avail_in >= num;
105 }
107 static BROTLI_INLINE uint16_t BrotliLoad16LE(const uint8_t* in) {
109  return *((const uint16_t*)in);
110  } else if (BROTLI_BIG_ENDIAN) {
111  uint16_t value = *((const uint16_t*)in);
112  return (uint16_t)(((value & 0xFFU) << 8) | ((value & 0xFF00U) >> 8));
113  } else {
114  return (uint16_t)(in[0] | (in[1] << 8));
115  }
116 }
118 static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t BrotliLoad32LE(const uint8_t* in) {
120  return *((const uint32_t*)in);
121  } else if (BROTLI_BIG_ENDIAN) {
122  uint32_t value = *((const uint32_t*)in);
123  return ((value & 0xFFU) << 24) | ((value & 0xFF00U) << 8) |
124  ((value & 0xFF0000U) >> 8) | ((value & 0xFF000000U) >> 24);
125  } else {
126  uint32_t value = (uint32_t)(*(in++));
127  value |= (uint32_t)(*(in++)) << 8;
128  value |= (uint32_t)(*(in++)) << 16;
129  value |= (uint32_t)(*(in++)) << 24;
130  return value;
131  }
132 }
134 #if (BROTLI_64_BITS)
135 static BROTLI_INLINE uint64_t BrotliLoad64LE(const uint8_t* in) {
137  return *((const uint64_t*)in);
138  } else if (BROTLI_BIG_ENDIAN) {
139  uint64_t value = *((const uint64_t*)in);
140  return
141  ((value & 0xFFU) << 56) |
142  ((value & 0xFF00U) << 40) |
143  ((value & 0xFF0000U) << 24) |
144  ((value & 0xFF000000U) << 8) |
145  ((value & 0xFF00000000U) >> 8) |
146  ((value & 0xFF0000000000U) >> 24) |
147  ((value & 0xFF000000000000U) >> 40) |
148  ((value & 0xFF00000000000000U) >> 56);
149  } else {
150  uint64_t value = (uint64_t)(*(in++));
151  value |= (uint64_t)(*(in++)) << 8;
152  value |= (uint64_t)(*(in++)) << 16;
153  value |= (uint64_t)(*(in++)) << 24;
154  value |= (uint64_t)(*(in++)) << 32;
155  value |= (uint64_t)(*(in++)) << 40;
156  value |= (uint64_t)(*(in++)) << 48;
157  value |= (uint64_t)(*(in++)) << 56;
158  return value;
159  }
160 }
161 #endif
163 /* Guarantees that there are at least n_bits + 1 bits in accumulator.
164  Precondition: accumulator contains at least 1 bit.
165  n_bits should be in the range [1..24] for regular build. For portable
166  non-64-bit little endian build only 16 bits are safe to request. */
167 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliFillBitWindow(
168  BrotliBitReader* const br, uint32_t n_bits) {
169 #if (BROTLI_64_BITS)
170  if (!BROTLI_ALIGNED_READ && IS_CONSTANT(n_bits) && (n_bits <= 8)) {
171  if (br->bit_pos_ >= 56) {
172  br->val_ >>= 56;
173  br->bit_pos_ ^= 56; /* here same as -= 56 because of the if condition */
174  br->val_ |= BrotliLoad64LE(br->next_in) << 8;
175  br->avail_in -= 7;
176  br->next_in += 7;
177  }
178  } else if (!BROTLI_ALIGNED_READ && IS_CONSTANT(n_bits) && (n_bits <= 16)) {
179  if (br->bit_pos_ >= 48) {
180  br->val_ >>= 48;
181  br->bit_pos_ ^= 48; /* here same as -= 48 because of the if condition */
182  br->val_ |= BrotliLoad64LE(br->next_in) << 16;
183  br->avail_in -= 6;
184  br->next_in += 6;
185  }
186  } else {
187  if (br->bit_pos_ >= 32) {
188  br->val_ >>= 32;
189  br->bit_pos_ ^= 32; /* here same as -= 32 because of the if condition */
190  br->val_ |= ((uint64_t)BrotliLoad32LE(br->next_in)) << 32;
193  }
194  }
195 #else
196  if (!BROTLI_ALIGNED_READ && IS_CONSTANT(n_bits) && (n_bits <= 8)) {
197  if (br->bit_pos_ >= 24) {
198  br->val_ >>= 24;
199  br->bit_pos_ ^= 24; /* here same as -= 24 because of the if condition */
200  br->val_ |= BrotliLoad32LE(br->next_in) << 8;
201  br->avail_in -= 3;
202  br->next_in += 3;
203  }
204  } else {
205  if (br->bit_pos_ >= 16) {
206  br->val_ >>= 16;
207  br->bit_pos_ ^= 16; /* here same as -= 16 because of the if condition */
208  br->val_ |= ((uint32_t)BrotliLoad16LE(br->next_in)) << 16;
211  }
212  }
213 #endif
214 }
216 /* Mosltly like BrotliFillBitWindow, but guarantees only 16 bits and reads no
217  more than BROTLI_SHORT_FILL_BIT_WINDOW_READ bytes of input. */
218 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliFillBitWindow16(BrotliBitReader* const br) {
219  BrotliFillBitWindow(br, 17);
220 }
222 /* Pulls one byte of input to accumulator. */
223 static BROTLI_INLINE int BrotliPullByte(BrotliBitReader* const br) {
224  if (br->avail_in == 0) {
225  return 0;
226  }
227  br->val_ >>= 8;
228 #if (BROTLI_64_BITS)
229  br->val_ |= ((uint64_t)*br->next_in) << 56;
230 #else
231  br->val_ |= ((uint32_t)*br->next_in) << 24;
232 #endif
233  br->bit_pos_ -= 8;
234  --br->avail_in;
235  ++br->next_in;
236  return 1;
237 }
239 /* Returns currently available bits.
240  The number of valid bits could be calclulated by BrotliGetAvailableBits. */
241 static BROTLI_INLINE reg_t BrotliGetBitsUnmasked(BrotliBitReader* const br) {
242  return br->val_ >> br->bit_pos_;
243 }
245 /* Like BrotliGetBits, but does not mask the result.
246  The result contains at least 16 valid bits. */
247 static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t BrotliGet16BitsUnmasked(
248  BrotliBitReader* const br) {
249  BrotliFillBitWindow(br, 16);
250  return (uint32_t)BrotliGetBitsUnmasked(br);
251 }
253 /* Returns the specified number of bits from br without advancing bit pos. */
254 static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t BrotliGetBits(
255  BrotliBitReader* const br, uint32_t n_bits) {
256  BrotliFillBitWindow(br, n_bits);
257  return (uint32_t)BrotliGetBitsUnmasked(br) & BitMask(n_bits);
258 }
260 /* Tries to peek the specified amount of bits. Returns 0, if there is not
261  enough input. */
262 static BROTLI_INLINE int BrotliSafeGetBits(
263  BrotliBitReader* const br, uint32_t n_bits, uint32_t* val) {
264  while (BrotliGetAvailableBits(br) < n_bits) {
265  if (!BrotliPullByte(br)) {
266  return 0;
267  }
268  }
269  *val = (uint32_t)BrotliGetBitsUnmasked(br) & BitMask(n_bits);
270  return 1;
271 }
273 /* Advances the bit pos by n_bits. */
274 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliDropBits(
275  BrotliBitReader* const br, uint32_t n_bits) {
276  br->bit_pos_ += n_bits;
277 }
279 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliBitReaderUnload(BrotliBitReader* br) {
280  uint32_t unused_bytes = BrotliGetAvailableBits(br) >> 3;
281  uint32_t unused_bits = unused_bytes << 3;
282  br->avail_in += unused_bytes;
283  br->next_in -= unused_bytes;
284  if (unused_bits == sizeof(br->val_) << 3) {
285  br->val_ = 0;
286  } else {
287  br->val_ <<= unused_bits;
288  }
289  br->bit_pos_ += unused_bits;
290 }
292 /* Reads the specified number of bits from br and advances the bit pos.
293  Precondition: accumulator MUST contain at least n_bits. */
294 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliTakeBits(
295  BrotliBitReader* const br, uint32_t n_bits, uint32_t* val) {
296  *val = (uint32_t)BrotliGetBitsUnmasked(br) & BitMask(n_bits);
297  BROTLI_LOG(("[BrotliReadBits] %d %d %d val: %6x\n",
298  (int)br->avail_in, (int)br->bit_pos_, n_bits, (int)*val));
299  BrotliDropBits(br, n_bits);
300 }
302 /* Reads the specified number of bits from br and advances the bit pos.
303  Assumes that there is enough input to perform BrotliFillBitWindow. */
304 static BROTLI_INLINE uint32_t BrotliReadBits(
305  BrotliBitReader* const br, uint32_t n_bits) {
306  if (BROTLI_64_BITS || (n_bits <= 16)) {
307  uint32_t val;
308  BrotliFillBitWindow(br, n_bits);
309  BrotliTakeBits(br, n_bits, &val);
310  return val;
311  } else {
312  uint32_t low_val;
313  uint32_t high_val;
314  BrotliFillBitWindow(br, 16);
315  BrotliTakeBits(br, 16, &low_val);
316  BrotliFillBitWindow(br, 8);
317  BrotliTakeBits(br, n_bits - 16, &high_val);
318  return low_val | (high_val << 16);
319  }
320 }
322 /* Tries to read the specified amount of bits. Returns 0, if there is not
323  enough input. n_bits MUST be positive. */
324 static BROTLI_INLINE int BrotliSafeReadBits(
325  BrotliBitReader* const br, uint32_t n_bits, uint32_t* val) {
326  while (BrotliGetAvailableBits(br) < n_bits) {
327  if (!BrotliPullByte(br)) {
328  return 0;
329  }
330  }
331  BrotliTakeBits(br, n_bits, val);
332  return 1;
333 }
335 /* Advances the bit reader position to the next byte boundary and verifies
336  that any skipped bits are set to zero. */
337 static BROTLI_INLINE int BrotliJumpToByteBoundary(BrotliBitReader* br) {
338  uint32_t pad_bits_count = BrotliGetAvailableBits(br) & 0x7;
339  uint32_t pad_bits = 0;
340  if (pad_bits_count != 0) {
341  BrotliTakeBits(br, pad_bits_count, &pad_bits);
342  }
343  return pad_bits == 0;
344 }
346 /* Peeks a byte at specified offset.
347  Precondition: bit reader is parked to a byte boundary.
348  Returns -1 if operation is not feasible. */
349 static BROTLI_INLINE int BrotliPeekByte(BrotliBitReader* br, size_t offset) {
350  uint32_t available_bits = BrotliGetAvailableBits(br);
351  size_t bytes_left = available_bits >> 3;
352  BROTLI_DCHECK((available_bits & 7) == 0);
353  if (offset < bytes_left) {
354  return (BrotliGetBitsUnmasked(br) >> (unsigned)(offset << 3)) & 0xFF;
355  }
356  offset -= bytes_left;
357  if (offset < br->avail_in) {
358  return br->next_in[offset];
359  }
360  return -1;
361 }
363 /* Copies remaining input bytes stored in the bit reader to the output. Value
364  num may not be larger than BrotliGetRemainingBytes. The bit reader must be
365  warmed up again after this. */
366 static BROTLI_INLINE void BrotliCopyBytes(uint8_t* dest,
367  BrotliBitReader* br, size_t num) {
368  while (BrotliGetAvailableBits(br) >= 8 && num > 0) {
369  *dest = (uint8_t)BrotliGetBitsUnmasked(br);
370  BrotliDropBits(br, 8);
371  ++dest;
372  --num;
373  }
374  memcpy(dest, br->next_in, num);
375  br->avail_in -= num;
376  br->next_in += num;
377 }
379 #if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
380 } /* extern "C" */
381 #endif
383 #endif /* BROTLI_DEC_BIT_READER_H_ */
reg_t val_
Definition: bit_reader.h:51
size_t avail_in
Definition: bit_reader.h:61
unsigned long long uint64_t
Definition: ptypes.h:120
Definition: port.h:146
const uint8_t * next_in
Definition: bit_reader.h:60
Definition: port.h:152
const uint8_t * next_in
Definition: bit_reader.h:53
unsigned int uint32_t
Definition: ptypes.h:105
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: skin_detection.h:18
BROTLI_INTERNAL int BrotliWarmupBitReader(BrotliBitReader *const br)
Definition: bit_reader.c:23
double U(int64_t x, double alpha)
Definition: metric_recorder.cc:414
Definition: upload.py:394
#define BROTLI_64_BITS
Definition: port.h:186
std::integral_constant< std::uint32_t, V > uint32_t
Definition: Brigand.h:441
std::integral_constant< std::uint64_t, V > uint64_t
Definition: Brigand.h:445
Definition: port.h:240
Definition: port.h:211
EGLStreamKHR EGLint n
Definition: eglext.h:984
EGLStreamKHR EGLint EGLint offset
Definition: eglext.h:984
Definition: bit_reader.h:57
EGLAttrib * value
Definition: eglext.h:120
unsigned char uint8_t
Definition: ptypes.h:89
unsigned short uint16_t
Definition: ptypes.h:97
#define BROTLI_DCHECK(x)
Definition: port.h:164
uint32_t bit_pos_
Definition: bit_reader.h:52
Definition: bit_reader.h:50
Definition: bit_reader.h:25
#define BROTLI_LOG(x)
Definition: port.h:165
uint32_t bit_pos_
Definition: bit_reader.h:59
Definition: port.h:96
#define IS_CONSTANT(x)
Definition: port.h:128
Definition: port.h:209
size_t avail_in
Definition: bit_reader.h:54
BROTLI_INTERNAL void BrotliInitBitReader(BrotliBitReader *const br)
Definition: bit_reader.c:18
uint32_t reg_t
Definition: bit_reader.h:26
GLuint GLsizei GLsizei GLfloat * val
Definition: gl2ext.h:3301
reg_t val_
Definition: bit_reader.h:58