PackW64Pep Member List

This is the complete list of members for PackW64Pep, including all inherited members.

_ (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
__ (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
___ (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
____ (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
_____ (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
__packed_struct(pe_header_t) char _[4] (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
__packed_struct(ddirs_t) LE32 vaddr (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
__packed_struct(pe_section_t) char name[8] (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
__packed_struct_end() pe_header_t ih (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
addFilter32(int filter_id) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
addKernelImport(const char *) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
addLoader(C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addLoaderVA(const char *s,...) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
addNewRelocations(Reloc &, unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotectedvirtual
addStubImports() (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotectedvirtual
AGGRESSIVE_TRIM enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
assertPacker() const (defined in Packer)Packervirtual
bele (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
big_relocs (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
BITS_32_MACHINE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
bsssize (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
buildLoader(const Filter *ft) (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepprotectedvirtual
callCompressWithFilters(Filter &, int filter_strategy, unsigned ih_codebase) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotectedvirtual
callProcessRelocs(Reloc &rel, unsigned &ic) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
callProcessResources(Resource &res, unsigned &ic) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
canList() (defined in Packer)Packerinlinevirtual
canPack() (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepvirtual
canTest() (defined in Packer)Packerinlinevirtual
canUnpack() (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protectedvirtual
canUnpack0(unsigned max_sections, LE16 &ih_objects, LE32 &ih_entry, unsigned ihsize) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
canUnpackFormat(int format) const (defined in Packer)Packerinlinevirtual
canUnpackVersion(int version) const (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotectedvirtual
checkAlreadyPacked(const void *b, int blen) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
checkCompressionRatio(unsigned u_len, unsigned c_len) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
checkDefaultCompressionRatio(unsigned u_len, unsigned c_len) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
checkFinalCompressionRatio(const OutputFile *fo) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
checkHeaderValues(unsigned subsystem, unsigned mask, unsigned ih_entry, unsigned ih_filealign) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
checkOverlay(unsigned overlay) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
checkPatch(void *b, int blen, int boff, int size) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
chksum (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
cimports (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
codebase (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
codesize (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
coffmagic (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
compress(upx_bytep i_ptr, unsigned i_len, upx_bytep o_ptr, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf=NULL) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
compressWithFilters(Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy=0, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
compressWithFilters(Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy, unsigned filter_buf_off, unsigned compress_ibuf_off, unsigned compress_obuf_off, const upx_bytep hdr_ptr, unsigned hdr_len, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
compressWithFilters(upx_bytep i_ptr, unsigned i_len, upx_bytep o_ptr, upx_bytep f_ptr, unsigned f_len, const upx_bytep hdr_ptr, unsigned hdr_len, Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
copyOverlay(OutputFile *fo, unsigned overlay, MemBuffer *buf, bool do_seek=true) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
cpu (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
crelocs (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
datasize (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
ddirs (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
ddirsentries (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
DEBUG_STRIPPED enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
decompress(const upx_bytep in, upx_bytep out, bool verify_checksum=true, Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
defineDecompressorSymbols() (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
defineFilterSymbols(const Filter *ft) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
defineSymbols(unsigned ncsection, unsigned upxsection, unsigned sizeof_oh, unsigned isize_isplit, Reloc &rel, unsigned s1addr) (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepvirtual
DLL_FLAG enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
dllflags (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
doFileInfo() (defined in Packer)Packer
doList() (defined in Packer)Packer
doPack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in Packer)Packer
doTest() (defined in Packer)Packer
doUnpack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in Packer)Packer
entry (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
EXECUTABLE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
FBIG_ENDIAN enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
fi (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
file_size (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
filealign (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
fileInfo() (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
findOverlapOverhead(const upx_bytep buf, const upx_bytep tbuf, unsigned range=0, unsigned upper_limit=~0u) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
flags (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
FLITTLE_ENDIAN enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
get_te16(const void *p) const (defined in Packer)Packerinlineprotected
get_te32(const void *p) const (defined in Packer)Packerinlineprotected
get_te64(const void *p) const (defined in Packer)Packerinlineprotected
getCompressionMethods(int method, int level) const (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepvirtual
getDecompressorSections() const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
getDecompressorWrkmemSize() const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
getDefaultCompressionMethods_8(int method, int level, int small=-1) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
getDefaultCompressionMethods_le32(int method, int level, int small=-1) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
getFilters() const (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepvirtual
getFormat() const (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepinlinevirtual
getFullName(const options_t *) const (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepinlinevirtual
getLoader() const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
getLoaderSection(const char *name, int *slen=NULL) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
getLoaderSectionStart(const char *name, int *slen=NULL) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
getLoaderSize() const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
getName() const (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepinlinevirtual
getPackHeader(void *b, int blen, bool allow_incompressible=false) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
getProcessImportParam(unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotectedvirtual
getRandomId() const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
getVersion() const (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotectedvirtual
handleForceOption() (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepvirtual
handleStripRelocs(upx_uint64_t ih_imagebase, upx_uint64_t default_imagebase, unsigned dllflags) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
handleStub(InputFile *fi, OutputFile *fo, unsigned size) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedstatic
hasLoaderSection(const char *name) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
headersize (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
ibuf (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
icondir_count (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
icondir_offset (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IDADDR(unsigned x) (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotected
IDSIZE(unsigned x) (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotected
ilinker (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
ilinkerGetAddress(const char *, const char *) const (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_ISOLATION enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_WDM_DRIVER enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
imagebase (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
imagesize (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
importbyordinal (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
initLoader(const void *pdata, int plen, int small=-1) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
initPackHeader() (defined in Packer)Packer
isdll (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
isrtm (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
isValidCompressionMethod(int method) (defined in Packer)Packerstatic
isValidFilter(int filter_id) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
kernel32ordinal (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
kernelDll() const (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotectedvirtual
linker (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
list() (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
LNUM_STRIPPED enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
LSYMS_STRIPPED enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
newLinker() const (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepprotectedvirtual
objectalign (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
objects (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
obuf (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
ODADDR(unsigned x) (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotected
oddirs (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
ODSIZE(unsigned x) (defined in PeFile)PeFileinlineprotected
oexport (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
oh (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
oimpdlls (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
oimport (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
oloadconf (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
opthdrsize (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
optimizeFilter(Filter *, const upx_byte *, unsigned) const (defined in Packer)Packerinlineprotectedvirtual
optimizeReloc(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big, int bits) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedstatic
optimizeReloc32(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedstatic
optimizeReloc64(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedstatic
orelocs (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
oresources (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
otls (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
oxrelocs (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
pack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepvirtual
pack0(OutputFile *fo, unsigned subsystem_mask, upx_uint64_t default_imagebase) (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
pack0(OutputFile *fo, ht &ih, ht &oh, unsigned subsystem_mask, upx_uint64_t default_imagebase, bool last_section_rsrc_only) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
Packer(InputFile *f) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
PackW64Pep(InputFile *f) (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pep
patch_be16(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
patch_be16(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
patch_be32(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
patch_be32(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
patch_le16(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
patch_le16(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
patch_le32(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
patch_le32(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
patchPackHeader(void *b, int blen) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
pe_offset (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_BOUNDIM enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_COMRT enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_COPYRIGHT enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_DEBUG enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_DELAYIMP enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_EXCEPTION enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_EXPORT enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_GLOBALPTR enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_IAT enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_IMPORT enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_LOADCONF enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_RELOC enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_RESOURCE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_SEC enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEDIR_TLS enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PeFile(InputFile *f) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PeFile64(InputFile *f) (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
PEFL_BSS enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_CODE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_DATA enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_DISCARD enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_EXEC enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_EXTRELS enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_INFO enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_NOCACHE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_NOPAGE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_READ enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_SHARED enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
PEFL_WRITE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
ph (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
ph_format (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
ph_version (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
processExports(Export *) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processExports(Export *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processImports() (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protectedvirtual
processImports0(ord_mask_t ord_mask) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processImports2(unsigned, unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotectedvirtual
processLoadConf(Reloc *, const Interval *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processLoadConf(Interval *) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processRelocs() (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protectedvirtual
processRelocs(Reloc *) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processResources(Resource *) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processResources(Resource *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processTls(Interval *) (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protectedvirtual
processTls(Reloc *, const Interval *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protectedvirtual
processTls1(Interval *iv, typename tls_traits< LEXX >::cb_value_t imagebase, unsigned imagesize) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
processTls2(Reloc *rel, const Interval *iv, unsigned newaddr, typename tls_traits< LEXX >::cb_value_t imagebase) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
rawdataptr (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
readFileHeader() (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotectedvirtual
readPackHeader(int len, bool allow_incompressible=false) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
readPeHeader() (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protectedvirtual
readSectionHeaders(unsigned objs, unsigned sizeof_ih) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
readSections(unsigned objs, unsigned usize, unsigned ih_filealign, unsigned ih_datasize) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
rebuildExports() (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
rebuildImports(upx_byte *&extrainfo, ord_mask_t ord_mask, bool set_oft) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
rebuildRelocs(upx_byte *&, unsigned bits, unsigned flags, upx_uint64_t imagebase) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
rebuildResources(upx_byte *&, unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
rebuildTls() (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
relocateLoader() (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
RELOCS_STRIPPED enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
REMOVABLE_SWAP enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_ACCELERATOR enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_ANICURSOR enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_ANIICON enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_BITMAP enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_CURSOR enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_DIALOG enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_DLGINCLUDE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_FONT enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_FONTDIR enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_GROUP_CURSOR enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_GROUP_ICON enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_HTML enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_ICON enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_LAST enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_MANIFEST enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_MENU enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_MESSAGETABLE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_PLUGPLAY enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_RCDATA enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_STRING enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_VERSION enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
RT_VXD enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
rvamin (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
set_te16(void *p, unsigned v) const (defined in Packer)Packerinlineprotected
set_te32(void *p, unsigned v) const (defined in Packer)Packerinlineprotected
set_te64(void *p, upx_uint64_t v) const (defined in Packer)Packerinlineprotected
setOhDataBase(const pe_section_t *) (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepinlinevirtual
setOhHeaderSize(const pe_section_t *osection) (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepvirtual
size (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
soexport (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
soimpdlls (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
soimport (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
soloadconf (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
sorelocs (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
soresources (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
sotls (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
soxrelocs (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
stripDebug(unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
subsystem (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protected
SYSTEM_PROGRAM enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
test() (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
testOverlappingDecompression(const upx_bytep buf, const upx_bytep tbuf, unsigned overlap_overhead) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
testUnpackFormat(int format) const (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedvirtual
testUnpackVersion(int version) const (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotectedvirtual
tls_handler_offset (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
tlscb_ptr (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
tlsindex (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
tryremove(unsigned, unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
TWO_GIGS_AWARE enum value (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
uip (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
unoptimizeReloc(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs, int bits) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedstatic
unoptimizeReloc32(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedstatic
unoptimizeReloc64(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs) (defined in Packer)Packerprotectedstatic
unpack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protectedvirtual
unpack0(OutputFile *fo, const ht &ih, ht &oh, ord_mask_t ord_mask, bool set_oft) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
updatePackHeader() (defined in Packer)Packer
use_clear_dirty_stack (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
use_dep_hack (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
use_tls_callbacks (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
vaddr (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
verifyOverlappingDecompression(Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
verifyOverlappingDecompression(upx_bytep o_ptr, unsigned o_size, Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer)Packerprotected
virta2objnum(unsigned, pe_section_t *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotectedstatic
vsize (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotected
~Packer() (defined in Packer)Packervirtual
~PackW64Pep() (defined in PackW64Pep)PackW64Pepvirtual
~PeFile() (defined in PeFile)PeFileprotectedvirtual
~PeFile64() (defined in PeFile64)PeFile64protectedvirtual