This is the complete list of members for PackW64Pep, including all inherited members.
_ (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
__ (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
___ (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
____ (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
_____ (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
__packed_struct(pe_header_t) char _[4] (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
__packed_struct(ddirs_t) LE32 vaddr (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
__packed_struct(pe_section_t) char name[8] (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
__packed_struct_end() pe_header_t ih (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
addFilter32(int filter_id) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
addKernelImport(const char *) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
addLoader(C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoaderVA(const char *s,...) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addNewRelocations(Reloc &, unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotectedvirtual |
addStubImports() (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protectedvirtual |
AGGRESSIVE_TRIM enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
assertPacker() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | virtual |
bele (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
big_relocs (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
BITS_32_MACHINE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
bsssize (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
buildLoader(const Filter *ft) (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | protectedvirtual |
callCompressWithFilters(Filter &, int filter_strategy, unsigned ih_codebase) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protectedvirtual |
callProcessRelocs(Reloc &rel, unsigned &ic) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
callProcessResources(Resource &res, unsigned &ic) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
canList() (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlinevirtual |
canPack() (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | virtual |
canTest() (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlinevirtual |
canUnpack() (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protectedvirtual |
canUnpack0(unsigned max_sections, LE16 &ih_objects, LE32 &ih_entry, unsigned ihsize) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
canUnpackFormat(int format) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlinevirtual |
canUnpackVersion(int version) const (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotectedvirtual |
checkAlreadyPacked(const void *b, int blen) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkCompressionRatio(unsigned u_len, unsigned c_len) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkDefaultCompressionRatio(unsigned u_len, unsigned c_len) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkFinalCompressionRatio(const OutputFile *fo) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkHeaderValues(unsigned subsystem, unsigned mask, unsigned ih_entry, unsigned ih_filealign) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
checkOverlay(unsigned overlay) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkPatch(void *b, int blen, int boff, int size) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
chksum (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
cimports (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
codebase (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
codesize (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
coffmagic (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
compress(upx_bytep i_ptr, unsigned i_len, upx_bytep o_ptr, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf=NULL) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
compressWithFilters(Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy=0, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
compressWithFilters(Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy, unsigned filter_buf_off, unsigned compress_ibuf_off, unsigned compress_obuf_off, const upx_bytep hdr_ptr, unsigned hdr_len, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
compressWithFilters(upx_bytep i_ptr, unsigned i_len, upx_bytep o_ptr, upx_bytep f_ptr, unsigned f_len, const upx_bytep hdr_ptr, unsigned hdr_len, Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
copyOverlay(OutputFile *fo, unsigned overlay, MemBuffer *buf, bool do_seek=true) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
cpu (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
crelocs (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
datasize (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
ddirs (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
ddirsentries (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
DEBUG_STRIPPED enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
decompress(const upx_bytep in, upx_bytep out, bool verify_checksum=true, Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
defineDecompressorSymbols() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
defineFilterSymbols(const Filter *ft) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
defineSymbols(unsigned ncsection, unsigned upxsection, unsigned sizeof_oh, unsigned isize_isplit, Reloc &rel, unsigned s1addr) (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | virtual |
DLL_FLAG enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
dllflags (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
doFileInfo() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
doList() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
doPack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
doTest() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
doUnpack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
entry (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
EXECUTABLE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
FBIG_ENDIAN enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
fi (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
file_size (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
filealign (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
fileInfo() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
findOverlapOverhead(const upx_bytep buf, const upx_bytep tbuf, unsigned range=0, unsigned upper_limit=~0u) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
flags (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
FLITTLE_ENDIAN enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
get_te16(const void *p) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
get_te32(const void *p) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
get_te64(const void *p) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
getCompressionMethods(int method, int level) const (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | virtual |
getDecompressorSections() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getDecompressorWrkmemSize() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getDefaultCompressionMethods_8(int method, int level, int small=-1) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
getDefaultCompressionMethods_le32(int method, int level, int small=-1) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
getFilters() const (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | virtual |
getFormat() const (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | inlinevirtual |
getFullName(const options_t *) const (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | inlinevirtual |
getLoader() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getLoaderSection(const char *name, int *slen=NULL) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getLoaderSectionStart(const char *name, int *slen=NULL) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getLoaderSize() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getName() const (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | inlinevirtual |
getPackHeader(void *b, int blen, bool allow_incompressible=false) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getProcessImportParam(unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotectedvirtual |
getRandomId() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getVersion() const (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotectedvirtual |
handleForceOption() (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | virtual |
handleStripRelocs(upx_uint64_t ih_imagebase, upx_uint64_t default_imagebase, unsigned dllflags) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
handleStub(InputFile *fi, OutputFile *fo, unsigned size) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
hasLoaderSection(const char *name) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
headersize (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
ibuf (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
icondir_count (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
icondir_offset (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IDADDR(unsigned x) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotected |
IDSIZE(unsigned x) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotected |
ilinker (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
ilinkerGetAddress(const char *, const char *) const (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_ISOLATION enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_WDM_DRIVER enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
imagebase (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
imagesize (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
importbyordinal (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
initLoader(const void *pdata, int plen, int small=-1) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
initPackHeader() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
isdll (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
isrtm (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
isValidCompressionMethod(int method) (defined in Packer) | Packer | static |
isValidFilter(int filter_id) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
kernel32ordinal (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
kernelDll() const (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotectedvirtual |
linker (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
list() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
LNUM_STRIPPED enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
LSYMS_STRIPPED enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
newLinker() const (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | protectedvirtual |
objectalign (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
objects (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
obuf (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
ODADDR(unsigned x) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotected |
oddirs (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
ODSIZE(unsigned x) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | inlineprotected |
oexport (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
oh (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
oimpdlls (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
oimport (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
oloadconf (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
opthdrsize (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
optimizeFilter(Filter *, const upx_byte *, unsigned) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotectedvirtual |
optimizeReloc(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big, int bits) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
optimizeReloc32(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
optimizeReloc64(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
orelocs (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
oresources (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
otls (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
oxrelocs (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
pack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | virtual |
pack0(OutputFile *fo, unsigned subsystem_mask, upx_uint64_t default_imagebase) (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
pack0(OutputFile *fo, ht &ih, ht &oh, unsigned subsystem_mask, upx_uint64_t default_imagebase, bool last_section_rsrc_only) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
Packer(InputFile *f) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
PackW64Pep(InputFile *f) (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | |
patch_be16(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_be16(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_be32(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_be32(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_le16(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_le16(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_le32(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_le32(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patchPackHeader(void *b, int blen) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
pe_offset (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_BOUNDIM enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_COMRT enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_COPYRIGHT enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_DEBUG enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_DELAYIMP enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_EXCEPTION enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_EXPORT enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_GLOBALPTR enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_IAT enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_IMPORT enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_LOADCONF enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_RELOC enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_RESOURCE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_SEC enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEDIR_TLS enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PeFile(InputFile *f) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PeFile64(InputFile *f) (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
PEFL_BSS enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_CODE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_DATA enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_DISCARD enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_EXEC enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_EXTRELS enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_INFO enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_NOCACHE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_NOPAGE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_READ enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_SHARED enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
PEFL_WRITE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
ph (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
ph_format (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
ph_version (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
processExports(Export *) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processExports(Export *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processImports() (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protectedvirtual |
processImports0(ord_mask_t ord_mask) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processImports2(unsigned, unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protectedvirtual |
processLoadConf(Reloc *, const Interval *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processLoadConf(Interval *) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processRelocs() (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protectedvirtual |
processRelocs(Reloc *) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processResources(Resource *) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processResources(Resource *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processTls(Interval *) (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protectedvirtual |
processTls(Reloc *, const Interval *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protectedvirtual |
processTls1(Interval *iv, typename tls_traits< LEXX >::cb_value_t imagebase, unsigned imagesize) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
processTls2(Reloc *rel, const Interval *iv, unsigned newaddr, typename tls_traits< LEXX >::cb_value_t imagebase) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
rawdataptr (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
readFileHeader() (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protectedvirtual |
readPackHeader(int len, bool allow_incompressible=false) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
readPeHeader() (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protectedvirtual |
readSectionHeaders(unsigned objs, unsigned sizeof_ih) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
readSections(unsigned objs, unsigned usize, unsigned ih_filealign, unsigned ih_datasize) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
rebuildExports() (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
rebuildImports(upx_byte *&extrainfo, ord_mask_t ord_mask, bool set_oft) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
rebuildRelocs(upx_byte *&, unsigned bits, unsigned flags, upx_uint64_t imagebase) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
rebuildResources(upx_byte *&, unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
rebuildTls() (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
relocateLoader() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
RELOCS_STRIPPED enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
REMOVABLE_SWAP enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_ACCELERATOR enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_ANICURSOR enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_ANIICON enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_BITMAP enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_CURSOR enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_DIALOG enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_DLGINCLUDE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_FONT enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_FONTDIR enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_GROUP_CURSOR enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_GROUP_ICON enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_HTML enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_ICON enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_LAST enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_MANIFEST enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_MENU enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_MESSAGETABLE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_PLUGPLAY enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_RCDATA enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_STRING enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_VERSION enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
RT_VXD enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
rvamin (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
set_te16(void *p, unsigned v) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
set_te32(void *p, unsigned v) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
set_te64(void *p, upx_uint64_t v) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
setOhDataBase(const pe_section_t *) (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | inlinevirtual |
setOhHeaderSize(const pe_section_t *osection) (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | virtual |
size (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
soexport (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
soimpdlls (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
soimport (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
soloadconf (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
sorelocs (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
soresources (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
sotls (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
soxrelocs (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
stripDebug(unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
subsystem (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protected |
SYSTEM_PROGRAM enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
test() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
testOverlappingDecompression(const upx_bytep buf, const upx_bytep tbuf, unsigned overlap_overhead) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
testUnpackFormat(int format) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
testUnpackVersion(int version) const (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protectedvirtual |
tls_handler_offset (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
tlscb_ptr (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
tlsindex (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
tryremove(unsigned, unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
TWO_GIGS_AWARE enum value (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
uip (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
unoptimizeReloc(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs, int bits) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
unoptimizeReloc32(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
unoptimizeReloc64(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
unpack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protectedvirtual |
unpack0(OutputFile *fo, const ht &ih, ht &oh, ord_mask_t ord_mask, bool set_oft) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
updatePackHeader() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
use_clear_dirty_stack (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
use_dep_hack (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
use_tls_callbacks (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
vaddr (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
verifyOverlappingDecompression(Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
verifyOverlappingDecompression(upx_bytep o_ptr, unsigned o_size, Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
virta2objnum(unsigned, pe_section_t *, unsigned) (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protectedstatic |
vsize (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protected |
~Packer() (defined in Packer) | Packer | virtual |
~PackW64Pep() (defined in PackW64Pep) | PackW64Pep | virtual |
~PeFile() (defined in PeFile) | PeFile | protectedvirtual |
~PeFile64() (defined in PeFile64) | PeFile64 | protectedvirtual |