This is the complete list of members for PackLinuxElf64ppcle, including all inherited members.
__packed_struct(cprElfHdr1) Elf64_Ehdr ehdr (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
__packed_struct(cprElfShdr3) Elf64_Shdr shdr[3] (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
__packed_struct(b_info) unsigned sz_unc (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
__packed_struct_end() __packed_struct(cprElfHdr2) Elf64_Ehdr ehdr (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
__packed_struct_end() __packed_struct(cprElfHdr3) Elf64_Ehdr ehdr (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
__packed_struct_end() __packed_struct(cprElfHdr4) Elf64_Ehdr ehdr (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
__packed_struct_end() cprElfHdr4 elfout (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
__packed_struct_end() cprElfShdr3 shdrout (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
addFilter32(int filter_id) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
addLoader(C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoader(C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addLoaderVA(const char *s,...) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
addStubEntrySections(Filter const *) (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protectedvirtual |
assertPacker() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | virtual |
b_cto8 (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
b_ftid (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
b_len (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
b_method (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
b_unused (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
bele (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
blocksize (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
buildid_data (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
buildLinuxLoader(upx_byte const *const proto, unsigned const szproto, upx_byte const *const fold, unsigned const szfold, Filter const *ft) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
buildLoader(const Filter *) (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | protectedvirtual |
canList() (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlinevirtual |
canPack() (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | protectedvirtual |
canTest() (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlinevirtual |
canUnpack() (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | virtual |
canUnpackFormat(int format) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlinevirtual |
canUnpackVersion(int version) const (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | inlinevirtual |
checkAlreadyPacked(const void *b, int blen) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkCompressionRatio(unsigned, unsigned) const (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protectedvirtual |
checkDefaultCompressionRatio(unsigned u_len, unsigned c_len) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkEhdr(Elf64_Ehdr const *ehdr) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
checkFinalCompressionRatio(const OutputFile *fo) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkOverlay(unsigned overlay) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
checkPatch(void *b, int blen, int boff, int size) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
compileTimeAssertions() (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | inlineprotectedstatic |
compress(upx_bytep i_ptr, unsigned i_len, upx_bytep o_ptr, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf=NULL) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
compressWithFilters(Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy=0, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
compressWithFilters(Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy, unsigned filter_buf_off, unsigned compress_ibuf_off, unsigned compress_obuf_off, const upx_bytep hdr_ptr, unsigned hdr_len, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
compressWithFilters(upx_bytep i_ptr, unsigned i_len, upx_bytep o_ptr, upx_bytep f_ptr, unsigned f_len, const upx_bytep hdr_ptr, unsigned hdr_len, Filter *ft, const unsigned overlap_range, const upx_compress_config_t *cconf, int filter_strategy, int inhibit_compression_check=0) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
copyOverlay(OutputFile *fo, unsigned overlay, MemBuffer *buf, bool do_seek=true) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
decompress(const upx_bytep in, upx_bytep out, bool verify_checksum=true, Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
defineDecompressorSymbols() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
defineFilterSymbols(const Filter *ft) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
defineSymbols(Filter const *) (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protectedvirtual |
doFileInfo() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
doList() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
doPack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
doTest() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
doUnpack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
dynseg (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
dynstr (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
dynsym (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
e_machine (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
e_phnum (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
e_phoff (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
e_shnum (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
e_shoff (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
e_type (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
ehdri (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
ei_class (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
ei_data (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
ei_osabi (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
elf_find_dynamic(unsigned) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
elf_find_section_name(char const *) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
elf_find_section_type(unsigned) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
elf_get_offset_from_address(upx_uint64_t) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
elf_has_dynamic(unsigned) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
elf_hash(char const *) (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protectedstatic |
elf_lookup(char const *) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
elf_unsigned_dynamic(unsigned) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
exetype (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
fi (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
file_image (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
file_size (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
fileInfo() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
find_LOAD_gap(Elf64_Phdr const *const phdri, unsigned const k, unsigned const e_phnum) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
findOverlapOverhead(const upx_bytep buf, const upx_bytep tbuf, unsigned range=0, unsigned upper_limit=~0u) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
gashtab (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
generateElfHdr(OutputFile *, void const *proto, unsigned const brka) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
get_te16(const void *p) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
get_te32(const void *p) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
get_te64(const void *p) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
getbrk(const Elf64_Phdr *phdr, int e_phnum) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
getCompressionMethods(int method, int level) const (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protectedvirtual |
getDecompressorSections() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getDecompressorWrkmemSize() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getDefaultCompressionMethods_8(int method, int level, int small=-1) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
getDefaultCompressionMethods_le32(int method, int level, int small=-1) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
getFilters() const (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | virtual |
getFormat() const (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | inlinevirtual |
getFullName(const options_t *) const (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | inlinevirtual |
getLoader() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getLoaderSection(const char *name, int *slen=NULL) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getLoaderSectionStart(const char *name, int *slen=NULL) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getLoaderSize() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getName() const (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | inlinevirtual |
getPackHeader(void *b, int blen, bool allow_incompressible=false) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getRandomId() const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
getStrategy(Filter &) (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | virtual |
getVersion() const (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | inlinevirtual |
gnu_hash(char const *) (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protectedstatic |
handleStub(InputFile *fi, OutputFile *fo, unsigned size) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
hashtab (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
hasLoaderSection(const char *name) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
hatch_off (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
ibuf (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
initLoader(const void *pdata, int plen, int small=-1) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
initPackHeader() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
is_big (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
isValidCompressionMethod(int method) (defined in Packer) | Packer | static |
isValidFilter(int filter_id) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
jni_onload_sym (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
jni_onload_va (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
l_format (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
l_lsize (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
l_magic (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
l_version (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
lg2_page (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | protected |
linfo (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
linker (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
list() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
load_va (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
loader (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
lsize (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
newLinker() const (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | protectedvirtual |
note_body (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
note_size (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
o_elf_shnum (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
o_shstrtab (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protectedstatic |
obuf (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
optimizeFilter(Filter *, const upx_byte *, unsigned) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotectedvirtual |
optimizeReloc(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big, int bits) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
optimizeReloc32(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
optimizeReloc64(upx_byte *in, unsigned relocnum, upx_byte *out, upx_byte *image, int bs, int *big) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
osabi_note (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
OVERHEAD enum value (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
overlay_offset (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
p_blocksize (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
p_filesize (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
pack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | virtual |
pack1(OutputFile *, Filter &) (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | protectedvirtual |
pack2(OutputFile *, Filter &) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
pack3(OutputFile *, Filter &) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
pack4(OutputFile *, Filter &) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
Packer(InputFile *f) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
packExtent(const Extent &x, unsigned &total_in, unsigned &total_out, Filter *, OutputFile *, unsigned hdr_len=0) (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protectedvirtual |
PackLinuxElf(InputFile *f) (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | |
PackLinuxElf64(InputFile *f) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | |
PackLinuxElf64help1(InputFile *f) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
PackLinuxElf64Le(InputFile *f) (defined in PackLinuxElf64Le) | PackLinuxElf64Le | inlineprotected |
PackLinuxElf64ppcle(InputFile *f) (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | |
PackUnix(InputFile *f) (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
page_mask (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
page_size (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | protected |
patch_be16(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_be16(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_be32(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_be32(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_le16(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_le16(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_le32(void *b, int blen, unsigned old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patch_le32(void *b, int blen, const void *old, unsigned new_) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
patchLoader() (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
patchLoaderChecksum() (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protectedvirtual |
patchPackHeader(void *b, int blen) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
ph (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
ph_format (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
ph_version (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
phdr (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
phdri (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
progid (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
pt_dynamic (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
readPackHeader(int len, bool allow_incompressible=false) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
relocateLoader() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
sec_dynstr (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
sec_dynsym (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
sec_strndx (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
set_te16(void *p, unsigned v) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
set_te32(void *p, unsigned v) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
set_te64(void *p, upx_uint64_t v) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | inlineprotected |
shdri (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
shstrtab (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protected |
sz_cpr (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
sz_dynamic (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protected |
sz_elf_hdrs (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
sz_pack2 (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
sz_pack2a (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
sz_phdrs (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
test() (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
testOverlappingDecompression(const upx_bytep buf, const upx_bytep tbuf, unsigned overlap_overhead) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
testUnpackFormat(int format) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
testUnpackVersion(int version) const (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedvirtual |
uip (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
unoptimizeReloc(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs, int bits) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
unoptimizeReloc32(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
unoptimizeReloc64(upx_byte **in, upx_byte *image, MemBuffer *out, int bs) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protectedstatic |
unpack(OutputFile *fo) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
unpackExtent(unsigned wanted, OutputFile *fo, unsigned &total_in, unsigned &total_out, unsigned &c_adler, unsigned &u_adler, bool first_PF_X, unsigned szb_info) (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protectedvirtual |
updateLoader(OutputFile *fo) (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | protectedvirtual |
updatePackHeader() (defined in Packer) | Packer | |
verifyOverlappingDecompression(Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
verifyOverlappingDecompression(upx_bytep o_ptr, unsigned o_size, Filter *ft=NULL) (defined in Packer) | Packer | protected |
writePackHeader(OutputFile *fo) (defined in PackUnix) | PackUnix | protectedvirtual |
xct_off (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
xct_va (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | protected |
~Packer() (defined in Packer) | Packer | virtual |
~PackLinuxElf() (defined in PackLinuxElf) | PackLinuxElf | virtual |
~PackLinuxElf64() (defined in PackLinuxElf64) | PackLinuxElf64 | virtual |
~PackLinuxElf64ppcle() (defined in PackLinuxElf64ppcle) | PackLinuxElf64ppcle | virtual |